Monday, March 17, 2008

Saturday March 15th

We woke up to a little snow storm Sat. morning.
Yes, it did look pretty and all, but I have to say no more
snow would be just fine with me.
Braden loves to go out to help plow, Kevin lets him
do it all by himself - Braden thinks that's pretty cool!

Kelly Grotte from North Dakota was in the Boston area,

so he got in touch with Kevin and came up to visit on Saturday.

Saturday afternoon the 4 of us headed to Wilton to do

a bit of work on this old place.

We brought along bikes, and scooters for the kids to

ride around on. They had lots of fun making ramps,
and jumps to go over. No real bad wipe outs.

The kids helping Daddy mix up the cement,

and put it in all the cracks of the old rock foundation.

A really messy job!

Washing our hands out in the little stream. Soooo COLD!

Playing outside on the big hill behind the house.

A fun & dirty afternoon, we didn't get home until 9:00.

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