Saturday, November 3, 2007

Excited kids!

The kids were counting down the days this week
in anticipation for the arrival of Grandma &
Grampa on Friday Afternoon.
Braden & I picked them up at Manchester at 2:00.
Grampa rode home in the back with Braden, it seemed
he had a lot to catch up on with Grampa.
Then it was up to the bus stop to pick up a very
excited Breanna - she about knocked Grandma over as
she came running off the bus and jumped into her arms.
We had a relaxing evening around the fire last night catching
up and eating apple crisp that the kids made with the
Apple, peeler, corer, slicer! And the kids always want to
hear Grampa tell them stories.
I was too cozy by the fire to go out in the car for the camera,
but I hope to post some pictures of the kids with Grandma &
Grampa soon.
They will stay with us a little over a week so we are very excited!

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