A few of us met at Andrea's house to take the kids around
her neighborhood for some trick or treating.
Paxton, Colby, Kyle, Breanna, & Braden.
Off we go to get some goodies!
Trick or Treat!
Trick or Treat!
Wow! Look at all this candy.
Molly was a giraffe - so cute!
We finished up and headed over to Dale & Laura Whites
to check out a haunted house that Austin,
Bronson, Brooke & Garrett set up.
Wow - it was really good!!!!
(Above: Jananne & Garrett standing at the entrance!)
Brian Anderson
Brooke with the loot!
It took a little convincing to get the kids to go thru, but
we did get Ellie, Ava, & Breanna to go,
Braden wanted nothing to do with it.
Then we had a hard time getting Breanna to
come out she decided she really liked it & wanted to be
in there with them to see other people go thru &
get really scared!
Nate & Jill and the kids came by and Colby went in,
and came out like it was no big deal - he loved it!